health and diet

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

indian food

Indian food is different from rest of the world not only in taste but also in cooking methods.

It reflects a perfect blend of various cultures and ages . Indian Food

Just like Indian culture, food in India has also been influenced by various civilizations, which have contributed their share in its overall development and the present form.

Foods of
India are better known for its spiciness. Throughout India, be it North India or South India, spices are used generously in food. But one must not forget that every single spice used in Indian dishes carries some or the other nutritional as well as medicinal properties.

North Indian Food

Daal Kachori

Food in the north India, to begin with, Kashmiri cuisines reflect strong Central Asian influences. In Kashmir, mostly all the dishes are prepared around the main course of rice found abundantly in the beautiful valley. Another delicious item cooked here is the 'Saag' that is prepared with a green leafy vegetable known as the 'Hak'.

But on the other hand states like the
Punjab, Haryana and Uttar Pradesh show high consumption of chapatis as staple food. Again, these chapatis are prepared with a variety of flours such as wheat, rice, maida, besan etc. Besides chapatis other closely related breads baked in these regions include Tandoori, Rumaali and Naan etc. However in the northern region impact of Mughlai food is quite obvious.

West Indian Food

In western
India, the desert cuisine is famous for its unique taste and varieties of food. Rajasthan and Gujarat are the states that represent the desseert flavor of Indian food. Here an immense variety of dals and achars (pickles/preserves) is used that simply substitutes the relative lack of fresh vegetables in these areas.

In the states like
Maharashtra, the food is usually a mix of both north as well as south cooking styles. Here people use both the rice and the wheat with same interest. Along the coastline of Mumbai a wide variety of fishes is available. Some of the delicious preparations include dishes like the Bombay Prawn and Pomfret.

Goa, that is further down towards south, one can notice Portuguese influence in the cooking style as well as in the dishes. Some of the major dishes of this regiun are the sweet and sour Vindaloo, duck baffad, sorpotel and egg molie etc.

East Indian Food

In the eastern India, the Bengali and Assamese styles of cooking are noticeable.

The staple food of Bengalis is the yummy combination of rice and fish.Indian Biryani

Usually the Bengalis love eating varieties of fishes. A special way of preparing the delicacy known as 'Hilsa' is by wrapping it in the pumpkin leaf and then cooking it. Another unusual ingredient that is commonly used in the Bengali cooking is the 'Bamboo Shoot'. Various sweets prepared in this region, by using milk include the 'Roshogollas', 'Sandesh', 'Cham-cham' and many more.

South Indian Food

South Indian Food

In the southern
India, the states make great use of spices, fishes and coconuts, as most of them have coastal kitchens. In the foods of Tamil Nadu use of tamarind is frequently made in order to impart sourness to the dishes. It simply distinguishes the Tamil Food from other cuisines.

The cooking style of Andhra Pradesh is supposed to make excessive use of chilies, which is obviously to improve the taste of the dishes.

In Kerala, some of the delicious dishes are thelamb stew and appams, Malabar fried prawns, Idlis, Dosas, fish molie and rice puttu. Another famous item of this region is the sweetened coconut milk. Yet another dish is Puttu, which is glutinous rice powder steamed like a pudding in a bamboo shoot.



The Indian snacks are usually delicious and mouth watering. Savouries like samosas, aloo tikki etc. are commonly served in India. This section is comprised of recipes which have been passed on for generation together in Indian homes. The crispness and tempting tastes of indian snacks is liked by young and old alike. These can be easily prepared at any time. It is ideal to serve snacks before coffee or tea

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Indian Cooking Terms Demystified

hi welcome friends,

Indian Cooking Terms Demystified - Terms to Remember, While Making Indian Food Recipes!

Do you want to cook an Indian food recipe but you just can't seem to start because of trouble with the terms? Or do you just want to know some Indian cooking terms? Well, you've come to the right page. In this article, different terms used in an Indian food recipe will be explained but before that, let's talk about the Indian cuisine first.

The Indian cuisine is further divided into four based on geographical regions, the North, South, East, and West Indian cuisines. These cuisines, though they may have differences in some methods and ingredients, still have that same delicious and flavor rich dishes that many would love. In preparing any dish, you can expect three features to be present in each Indian food recipe. These are the herbs and spices, oil, and condiments. It is very important that you are familiarized with the use of these ingredients so that you would be able to follow a recipe smoothly and be able to prepare a delicious feast. It is therefore important that you understand the terms that you are going to find in an Indian food recipe so listed below are some of the common ones you'll find:

  • Bhunao. This means to stir fry or to sauté. Usual ingredients fried in oil are onions, garlic, tomatoes, ginger, and green chilies. When you sauté, remember to cook evenly and not let the ingredients stick on the pan.
  • Dum. It is a method of steaming food in a tightly sealed pot.
  • Sekhna. This is to pan roasting nuts and breads.
  • Talna. It is to fry, deep or shallow frying.
  • Masala. This is a combination of grounded or pounded spices, herbs, and other seasonings. If added with liquids such as water or vinegar, it will be called a wet masala.
  • Baghar. This is tempering done by carefully adding herbs and spices on hot oil. It may be done either at the start or at the last part of cooking.
  • Basmati rice. This is a very common type of rice used in Indian cuisines. It has a unique nutty flavor.
  • Boti kabab. These are cubes of meat that are marinated and then cooked in a tandoor.
  • Tandoor. It is a clay oven or pot that is common for cooking meats, breads, etc.
  • Tandoori. This is the term used to indicate that a food is cooked using a Tandoor.
  • Saag. This is another term for spinach or for other green leafy vegetables.
  • Ghee. It a clarified of butter used to cook most dishes.
  • Balchao. This is when vegetables or seafood are pickled in a mixture of spices, vinegar, and sugar.
So there you have it. Basic terms that you would find in Indian food recipe have been introduced. Remember, understanding these terms will greatly help in your following of Indian recipes.